Public Statement Regarding the Times of Israel Report

The Rabbinical Assembly is devastated by the stories that were reported in an article published in the Times of Israel about egregious past treatment of teenagers who participated in USY activities. It is our expectation that members of the Rabbinical Assembly will be diligent in protecting those for whom we are responsible. Our obligation in this moment as rabbis is to provide pastoral and moral support to anyone who comes forward with reports of misconduct.

It is striking that these troubling and upsetting reports come about during the season of Elul, a time when we are expected as Jews to engage in the process of teshuvah (repentance). The sounding of the shofar calls us to awaken, for each of us to take responsibility for our individual and communal sins. We urge all organizations associated with our Conservative/Masorti Movement to engage in the necessary heshbon hanefesh soul searching to address these issues, wherever they may occur.

Teshuvah calls on each of us to look in the mirror and do everything in our power to ensure that the future is brighter than the past. In this season of repentance, may we be tireless and unrelenting in our pursuit of that teshuvah.

For pastoral assistance, email and you will be directed to one of our pastoral team members for support.

For more information the press may contact the Rabbinical Assembly's PR representative Steve Rabinowitz via email at or by phone at 202-494-7655.

Rabbi Stewart Vogel       
President; Rabbinical Assembly

Rabbi Harold Kravitz        
Vice-President; Rabbinical Assembly

Rabbi Debra Newman Kamin  
Immediate Past President; Rabbinical Assembly