Proclamation in Honor of Conservative/Masorti Rabbis in Israel for Their Service During This Time of National Trauma

Proclamation in Honor of Conservative/Masorti Rabbis in Israel for Their Service During This Time of National Trauma

Whereas the State of Israel is the spiritual homeland of the Jewish people and an object of ultimate concern for Jews, creating an unbreakable bond between Israel and Jews all over the world (Resolutions 2002 | The Rabbinical Assembly); and

Whereas Hamas terrorists and their supporters brutally attacked the State of Israel on תורה שמחת  October 7, 2023 and indiscriminately murdered, tortured, raped, and kidnapped innocent people in Israel from babies to senior citizens, including people from a multitude of religious and national backgrounds; and

Whereas there are over 150 Conservative/Masorti rabbis in Israel, over 90 congregations and minyanim, the vibrant NOAM youth movement, and numerous places of learning including the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, the Fuchsberg Center and the Conservative Yeshiva, the Hannaton Educational Center, and Camp Ramah programs;

Whereas Masorti rabbis in Israel immediately stepped up starting on that horrific day and onward to serve across Israel, from reporting to reserve duty, to leading prayer services and conducting funerals, to coordinating relief efforts within their cities with local governments, to providing counseling, support, and relief programming to displaced and traumatized people, to leading study in memory of those who were murdered, to continuing to engage in bridgebuilding gatherings with their Arab neighbors, and so much more all while experiencing this national trauma themselves; and

Whereas the Masorti movement has led daily tefillot at Hostages’ Square in Tel Aviv.

Therefore we, the members of the Rabbinical Assembly, extend our warmest appreciation and admiration to our Rabbinical Assembly colleagues in Israel for their national service during this time of war and trauma.

Therefore we, the members of the Rabbinical Assembly in recognition of the national role of the Masorti rabbis in Israel at this time, commit to contributing to the ongoing Masorti fundraising campaign; visiting Israel personally as well as bringing missions to Israel; encouraging members of our communities to visit Masorti communities and institutions in Israel, especially if they have skills that Israel needs immediately; attending the Rabbinical Assembly Convention in Israel in the fall of 2024.