Resolution in Support of Increasing the Jewish Population and Strengthening Jewish Families

Whereas God’s promise to multiply the Nation of Israel “as the dust of the earth” and “the stars in the sky” has yet to be fulfilled, as the past several decades has seen the Jewish population decline;

Whereas the Jewish People, relative to its size, lost more population than any other group during World War II;

Whereas assimilation and the blurring of Jewish identity continue to weaken the fabric of the Jewish People; and

Whereas in some countries Jewish population growth has come to a standstill or has even dipped below zero population growth.

Therefore be it resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly support efforts to strengthen those families raising Jewish children by (1) lowering economic barriers to full participation in Jewish communal life (e.g., day school and camp tuition and synagogue dues); (2) providing subsidized preschool and day care programs and (3) urging employers to provide opportunity for increased parenting time.

Passed by the Rabbinical Assembly Plenum, February, 2007