Tag: Masorti

WHEREAS Masorti Judaism is a worldwide movement whose purpose is to strengthen traditional Judaism in the modern world; and

WHEREAS the absence of Jewish religious pluralism in so many Jewish communities deprives contemporary Jews of attractive options for remaining involved as Jews; and

WHEREAS the members of the Rabbinical Assembly have been in the forefront of establishing institutions of our movement both in ארץ ישראל (the land of Israel) and worldwide;

WHEREAS members of the Rabbinical Assembly have committed themselves to promoting our movement in Israel and throughout the world through their sacred service and through the gathering of financial resources;

WHEREAS members of the Rabbinical Assembly are committed to a strong presence of our movement inמולדתינו  ארץ (our historic homeland); and

Whereas the observance of Shabbat has been a defining mitzvah for the Jewish people;

Whereas the Rabbinical Assembly is committed to the halakhic observance of Shabbat;

Whereas the Rabbinical Assembly and the Masorti Movement seek to expand and enhance the joy of Shabbat among the Jewish people;

Whereas we recognize the rights of individuals while seeking to preserve the Jewish character of the State of Israel;

Whereas we seek common ground and not coercion in matters relating to Shabbat observance; and

Whereas the institution of the chief rabbi was established to provide leadership and status to the rabbinate based on a European model during the Mandate period in pre-state Israel;

Whereas instead the institution of the chief rabbinate has had an unfortunate impact on Israeli society due to political wrangling involved in choosing its leaders, and the sharp chasm that results between the office of the chief rabbinate and the Israeli public which has created a general antipathy to Judaism and its practices;

Whereas the Talmud states in discussing the merits of the opposing legal opinions of Rabbis Hillel and Shammai, (Eruvin 13b) “eilu ve-eilu divrei Elohim chayim – these and these are the words of the living God”;

Whereas Conservative/Masorti rabbis worldwide, especially those in Israel, have worked tirelessly for decades with the Israeli Government, the World Zionsit Organization, The Jewish Agency, the Chief Rabbinate and local governments to contribute to the building of the Jewish National homeland;

WHEREAS the book of Psalms teaches and as found in our liturgy, “When Adonai restored our exiles to Zion, it was like a dream.” (Psalms 126:1), the Jewish People realized that dream sixty years ago when the State of Israel was established; 

WHEREAS in Iyar, Israel will celebrate its 60th year of independence as a democratic Jewish State in the land promised to our ancestors; and

WHEREAS Conservative/Masorti Judaism embraced Zionism early on and promoted the centrality of a Jewish homeland in Israel.