Clergy Spouses and Partners in Search

 Registration is closed for this event

Mondays, October 16, 23, and 30, 7:30pm ET // 4:30pm PT

Clergy spouses and partners have unique challenges and opportunities that impact their family, career, and relationships. While not employees, spouses and partners often serve important roles in their communities and could benefit from guidance, camaraderie, and support from our movement and its institutions. As part of the Rabbinical Assembly’s mental health outreach, we invite clergy spouses and partners to a 3-part series on how to participate in (and support your partner through) a successful search process and planning your involvement in your future community. Space is limited; registration closes October 9th; open to anyone who fits the description (married, dating, partnered, etc); free. These sessions will not be recorded; on-camera participation is expected.

Tami creates customized coaching and trainings for Jewish communal professionals, clergy, lay leaders, communities, and individuals. She received her BA from Wellesley College and her MBA from Columbia Business School. Her Life Coach Certification was awarded by Life Coach Training Institute and she has also studied at Hebrew University and The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem. For over 20 years, Tami has balanced a successful professional life with family life, being a clergy spouse, and active member of her community. She lives in Mamaroneck, NY with her husband, Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz, their 4 boys, and 2 dogs.

October 16th, 2023 7:30 PM