Statements and Op-eds

Rabbinical Assembly Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress - 7/22/24
Rabbinical Assembly Condemns Week of Terror Attacks in Israel 3/20/22

Rabbinical Assembly Condemns Violence in Israel 2/27/23

Rabbinical Assembly & USCJ Reject Amnesty International's False Claims on Israel 2/1/22

RA Celebrates Israel Court's Affirmation of Conservative & Reform Conversions for Law of Return 2/1/21

Rabbinical Assembly Statement on Israel and UAE Accord to Normalize Relations 8/14/20
RA Statement on the 2019 Israeli Election 9/18/2019

Conservative/Masorti Movement Condemns Missile Attack on Israel 5/7/2019

Conservative Movement Statement on Arrest of Israeli Rabbi Dov Haiyun 7/20/18

Conservative/Masorti Movement Condemns Decision of Israeli Ministry on Uganda’s Abayudaya 6/6/18

RA Statement on Iranian Attack on Israel  5/11/2018

Rabbinical Assembly Calls on Israel to Safeguard Rights of African Asylum Seekers 02/1/2018 

Rabbinical Assembly Expresses Concern over Impartiality of UN Human Rights Council Panel - 8/15/14

Rabbinical Assembly Mourns the Death of Israeli Soldiers in Operation Protective Edge - 7/21/14

Rabbinical Assembly Supports IDF’s Efforts to Protect Civilians and Destroy Terrorist Networks - 7/18/14

Rabbinical Assembly Condemns Hamas Rejection of Ceasefire - 7/15/14

Rabbinical Assembly Condemns Rocket Attacks on Israeli Civilians - 7/8/14

Rabbinical Assembly Condemns Murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir - 7/7/14

Prayer in Memory of Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frankel, and Gil-ad Shaar - 7/2/14

Rabbinical Assembly Angered by Deaths of Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frankel, and Gil-ad Shaar 6/30/14 

Rabbinical Assembly Congratulates Israeli President Shimon Peres on Multiple Awards - 6/26/14 

Rabbinical Assembly Condemns Divestment Vote by Presbyterian Church (USA) - 6/21/14 

Prayer for Safe Return of Kidnapped Israelis6/16/14

Rabbinical Assembly Prays for Safe Return of Kidnapped Israelis6/16/14

Rabbinical Assembly Extends Congratulations to President-elect Reuven Rivlin6/10/14

RA Praises Israeli Response to Palestinian Unity Government - 6/2/14

On Eve of Papal Visit to Israel, Rabbinical Assembly Reflects on Catholic-Jewish Ties5/19/14

Letter to Ambassador Rice in advance of her upcoming visit to Israel5/19/14

Actually, J Street Won5/4/14

Fear and exclusion of J Street is misguided and destructive - 5/2/14

Rabbinical Assembly to Support J Street membership in Conference of Presidents - 4/29/14

New Kotel Setback: Letter to Secretary Mandelblit - 2/27/14

Rabbinical Assembly Condemns Publication Zionism Unsettled - 2/12/14

Statement in Response to MK Rotem's Remarks - 2/5/14

On the rights of non-Orthodox rabbis, where's the outrage? - 1/21/14

RA Congratulates Israel Prize Winner Rabbi Shamma Friedman - 1/21/14

RA Acknowledges the Passing of Ariel Sharon - 1/11/14

On Eve of First Israel Visit, RA Offers Thanks to Canadian Prime Minister - 1/9/14

RA Applauds Israel’s Transfer of Funds to Rabbis on Regional Councils - 1/2/14

RA and USCJ Welcome Decision by Women of the Wall to Work toward Kotel Plan - 10/7/13

RA Saddened by the Passing of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - 10/7/13

Leveling the Playing Field of Religious Struggle - 8/27/13

RA Welcomes Announcement About Resumed Middle East Peace Talks - 7/28/13

RA Praises Religious Affairs Ministry, Calls for Immediate Implementation of Local Selection of Religious

Leadership by Israeli Communities - 5/31/13

RA Shocked and Saddened by Clashes at Western Wall - 5/10/13

Letter of Thanks to President Obama - 3/24/13

RA Raises Concerns About New Arrests at Western Wall - 2/11/13

Op-Ed by Julie Schonfeld: Egalitarian Jewish Worship - 1/2/13

RA Supports Women’s Equality at Western Wall - 12/27/12

Leaders of Conservative Movement Stand Against Enhanced Palestinian Status at U.N. - 11/29/12

RA Thankful for Ceasefire in Middle East Violence - 11/21/12

RA Expresses Support for Israel - 11/16/12

RA Dismayed by Protestants’ Call for Congressional Investigation of Aid to Israel10/10/12

Recognition of Non-Orthodox Rabbis is a Partial -- But Hopeful -- Victory5/30/12

Statement on the Negative Atmosphere in Israel12/20/11

Statement on the Recent Violent Attacks by Israeli Jewish Extremists12/19/11

Statement on the Release of Gilad Shalit10/18/11

Israel Conversion Bill: An Open Letter to Benjamin Netanyahu7/16/10

Dare I Daven at the Kotel? - 2/15/10