Watch Now: Human Trafficking Webinar

Do you care about the scourge of human trafficking? Want to learn more about what you and your community can do to combat trafficking and child labor? Then please watch the recording of this insightful and informative webinar, during which we explain the issue and walk you through a number of NEW resources available for free to RA members, including two double-sided handouts: ENDING SLAVERY!: Understanding Human Trafficking - and What You Can Do About It and ENDING SLAVERY!: Jewish Sources and Resources On Human Trafficking as well as No More Slaves! A Sourcebook and Programming Guide written by our colleague Debra Orenstein.

On the webinar, you will also be introduced to three experts in the field who will inform you about their work and make themselves available, free, to RA members as consultants on designing a program or curriculum or as guest speakers (with reimbursement of travel costs). All three experts happen to have strong Jewish backgrounds. You will also learn about a host of tools for sermons, adult education, Hebrew School and Day School curriculum, holiday materials, and more.

Please join us as we ramp up our efforts to catalyze the Conservative/Masorti Movement to take bold action for Pesah 2020/5780. 

Three web pages were referenced on the webinar, besides our RA Slavery and Human Trafficking page:

  • - has handouts, curricula, readings and activities for Seders, and much more - all downloadable and free! Search other pages on the Free The Slaves website for videos, programming, and advocacy updates.
  • - describes the work of Breaking The Chain Through Education and Evan Robbins in more detail. Learn how a full-time High School teacher became a mitzvah hero and now cares for 102 former slaves, saved off fishing boats in Ghana.
  • - this link will take you to a special invitation for RA members and webinar participants to become Passover Partners.

Note: The videos mentioned during this webinar may be accessed here and here

Contact Information for Our Presenters:

  • Maurice Middleberg, former Executive Director, Free the Slaves
  • Terry Fitzpatrick, Communications & Advocacy Strategist, Free the Slaves; FTS liaison, Passover Project
  • Debra Orenstein, member, RA Anti-Trafficking Task Force; co-founder, Passover Project
  • Evan Robbins, founder, Breaking the Chain through Education