Conservative/Masorti Social Justice Commission

The Conservative/Masorti Social Justice Commission

Serving as a central address within the movement, the Social Justice Commission (SJC) works through consensus to evolve a vision of social justice through the lens of Conservative/Masorti Judaism. We strive to educate, advocate, and organize around the issues of today, articulating that acts of social justice are mitzvot. There are currently six subcommittees and two working groups of the SJC, giving us eight areas of work:

  • Environment/Sustainability
  • Ethical Sourcing of Animal Products
  • Food Justice
  • Human Rights 
  • LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Racial Justice
  • Reproductive Rights
  • Strengthening Democracy

The SJC serves as the larger body to gather representatives from across the movement, while much of the day-to-day work happens through the subcommittees and working groups. Subcommittees and working groups are open to all RA & CA clergy; members of NAASE and JEA; students at AJU and JTS; and lay leaders and staff of FJMC chapters, Ramah camps, WLCJ affiliates, and USCJ kehillot in good standing. 

Our Mission

  • To evolve a vision of social justice through the lens of Conservative/Masorti Judaism to serve as a model for the Conservative/Masorti Movement.
  • To articulate to the Jewish and the general community that for Conservative/Masorti Jews acts of social justice are mitzvot, commanded by Jewish law and tradition as doing God’s will.
  • To demonstrate that mitzvot bein adam l’makom and mitzvot bein adam l’havero are integrally connected in Jewish tradition. 
  • To undertake the development of an annual project that we as an RA endorse throughout our synagogues and institutions. The committee would prepare material and sample programs that rabbis could implement in their institutions.
  • To create brief statements that frame issues of social justice within the parameters of Conservative/Masorti Judaism that will inspire a vision of social justice that rabbis can bring to their communities. To distribute information from other organizations and develop partnerships to give our rabbis a plethora of projects from which to choose that would meet the needs of their community. Create a program bank that our colleagues could adapt. Given that synagogues, schools, etc., may undertake more than one project a year, these partnerships will expose our colleagues to the wealth of innovative social justice projects and programs.
  • To create a vision of social justice that will inspire our young people to participate in acts of hesed and social justice as Conservative/Masorti Jews.
  • To advocate on policy issues that are consistent with resolutions of the Rabbinical Assembly (e.g., use the green covenant resolution to implement environmental programs in our institutions and partner with COEJL or Hazon).
  • To recommend to the Director of Public Policy and to the RA leadership policy priorities.