Pledge Your Commitment to MERCAZ

Dear Friends,
In just a few short months, we will have a chance to cast our ballots for the future of Conservative/Masorti Judaism in Israel and around the World. This opportunity, in the form of the World Zionist Congress election, comes around only every 5 years. A strong vote for MERCAZ - the official slate of the Conservative Movement -- can help us translate our vision for a democratic and pluralistic Israel into critical policy outcomes, decision making positions within the National Institutions, and millions of dollars for movement programs both in Israel and around the World.
As your colleague in the Rabbinical Assembly (RA) and as the representative to the VoteMERCAZ Steering Committee from the RA, I am asking for your votes, and even more importantly your commitment to run the best possible campaign in your Congregations and amongst the institutions where you work. I am sharing a Dear Friend letter signed by over 140 Rabbis and Conservative Movement leaders who have already expressed their support. We hope that you will add your name to this growing list.
I am also pleased that we have some excellent materials to share with you that can be used to help educate and energize your Congregations and members. In particular, we have created a set of resources that can be used during the High Holidays and beyond. This includes a terrific Rabbinic Resource Guide that can be used to prompt this conversation during your Sermons or at any learning opportunity. There are inserts that can be printed to insert into machzorim, posters for visibility, sample congregational announcements and more. You can download all these materials here.
Finally attached to this form you will find a formal VoteMERAZ Campaign Commitment Card. Please join us in this important campaign and let us know exactly how you can support the campaign by completing this card and returning it to or by filling out the form online here
I look forward to working together towards a strong Conservative Movement showing in the campaign. Thank you in advance for your support.
Jay M. Kornsgold
Secretary, Rabbinical Assembly 
VoteMERCAZ Steering Committee